Hiding the wires in engine bay

I like how the green car is done because all of the components ARE readily accessible. What is gonna happen to the wires in the conduit? Maybe get damaged in an accident? That could happen with them in the stock location. Other than something of that nature, they will never need attention. I do agree with you that I have seen some botched jobs doing this in the past, but I disagree that the green car is a bad example. It is obvious he put a lot of thought and work into it. I commend him for doing something different and actually getting it right. You stop and think about how the factories are doing it now. Less wires. Less vacuum hoses. Neater electrical junction and box packaging. Remember the late 70s? Need I say more?

I am rewiring a car right now that had this done. What a mess. They used a painless harness integrated with the factory harness.

What is so cool about Hiding the harness? I think it is a stupid Idea. If anything I would want it easily accessible.

The one I am doing now burned up due to this stupidity. To each his own I guess. Just more income for those who have to fix these messes in future repair bills.