Hiding the wires in engine bay

All of that work is extremely nice. You have a lot of attention to detail. I have only one question. All my life I have heard and read that the shorter the coil wire the better. I guess that could be offset if you have a really LOW resistance coil wire. How did you handle that? I have to admit, I would pull my hair out wiring something like that. I never have been good at electrical. .....and I have my whole rat rod to wire up. I am dreading it.
VERY nice work. ......and you are how old?

Well thank you very much. This was my first wire job ever. Before this most I had ever done was wire a car stereo. I studied allot and got allot of advise on this site. I ran the msd coil bulkhead thru the firewall and have had zero problems thus far. The wiring job took me 2 months to complete and is one of the jobs I take the most pride in. I am 30 years old by the way but when I drive the dart I FEEL 18 again. Thanks again for the kind words.