I suggest not shopping here

actually I didn't want to say it to get political but ......the stolen valor act was authored here in my area of Pueblo, Colorado by Mr. Doug Sterner and it was brought to the house by congressman John Salazar.

it was passed and made it illegal to make false claims to military service and use of medals to someone who didn't earn them.

BUT ....it was later overturned by the supreme on the ground of freedom of speech.

So in a nut shell its your freedom of speech to make false claims of military service and it is your freedom of expression to wear medals ...nothing illegal about it.

However, not illegal ...but if you want to be a huge a JERK then that is one way to do it and spit on those who REALLY served....and those who do lie about that should be punched in the face. ok that last part was my opinion however punching someone is not recommended because that does constitute assault by law.

My college degree was emphasis in Constitutional Law so this is the boring crap I did at school all day ....but really Google "Doug Sterner stolen valor act 2005" if you don't believe me .....its all there and it was all over the newspapers here.

there is a new act for 2013 but there are still issues with that and I can see that one going down in the supreme court as well. which is a shame because it undermines people like my adoptive dad who served Vietnam era.