Craftsman Tools "proudly made in china"

Yea. When ever possible:

Buy Used.

Support your local or semi-local American folks directly by buying stuff they want to sell that you need.

F those foreign sources of cheaply made anything. F cheaply made anything, where ever it came from.

I buy plenty of used gear when ever possible. New shi# is over priced, overrated and is less valuable than its predecessor version.

I say lets all stop buying anything new period. F it.

It's mostly junk that becomes obsolete or breaks in less than 3 years anyway.

Plenty of modern cars, electronics and other new stuff ive seen lately has a multitude of failures, bugs and glitches and then simply dies a year after the warranty expires. J.U.N.K.

We have been trained to accept that all modern stuff has bugs, failures, warranty re=dos and is junk in 5 years. We are deluded into accepting junk plastic shi# and paying premium dollar all day long.

I have seen a 3000 dollar refrigerator totally fn fail in all imaginable directions after 1 year of operation and the thing is so heavy that sending it back to the factory would cost more than simply blowing it up with dynamite.

I have an Electrolux vacuum cleaner and power wand and a monster food processor from 68 that still works out-fn-standing. Wonder why that is..

"We better get used to made in China now. Before long were gonna have to speak Chinese as they own is..."

I'll speak ratatatat prior to that option and i don't mean the music version.

It's all about planned obsolescence. If a company produces a product that lasts forever you will never have a need to buy another one.