LED lights, in my home. Thinking about converting everything

The quality of light is a real consideration. I like the slow ramp-up of the CFLs for nightstand and bathroom use so you can get usable light without being blasted with intense illumination at night when you turn the lights on. For outdoor lighting that is on intermittently, like at the front door, a halogen incandescent.. it's instant-on and puts out the best light. In spaces where heat generation is a concern, like a goose-neck lamp built into an alarm clock, or something that came with a conventional bulb that makes the unit run too hot, or something that shouldn't carry a higher current through it, a new LED cluster bulb is fantastic.

Prices for high output LEDs are dropping. I'd wait, and save yourself a few bucks in the meantime by being mindful of what's on and for how long.
But when price is the only consideration, you may reach a point of false economy. One thing that bugs me is that the CFL bulbs, which are more toxic to produce and dispose of, are made so cheaply, the HV circuitry made of poor quality, overtaxed components, and they fail more quickly than advertised. On/off cycling kills them, I've seen some die an early death running continuously also.