AZ Guy's And Gal's Heads Up

Imagine what could have happened if he was on the phone or texting. :D

If I am on the phone while I'm driving and anything out of the absolute normal happens I quit talking.
Drives the wife nuts.
"Did you hear me?" "Hello?" "Are you going to answer me?" :D

same thing, but there is that common sense bug...

New cars have smart phones right in the dash. What I don't under stand is If GPS can sense your location. Why can't they prevent phones from working if moving. But that would decrease minutes used and hurt the companies profits.

The law's today are all about money. Now what if that trucker was on a CB or a hand held radio. And what about police in high speed chases One hand on the wheel and the other on the mic button. Or punching your plate into the computer in the car at 90 +.

I had a state trooper pass me . He was doing well over 100 mph. Just to pull off up ahead and set up a speed trap. In the past we would watch where they would sit. Go back at night and place buried boards with nails sticking out to give them flats.

I could go on with things we did to retaliate. But I better stop before my blood pressure starts rising. Or I get myself in trouble.

AHH Couple more . Drop paint remover balloons out of a 4th floor appt. when they are parked in a lot for a complaint you called in. . Or put giant rocks on a dirt road and get them to chase you on a dirt bike while your buddies watched from the woods. You would not believe how many couldn't stop in time. Those were the days. Today they would take you out with a RPG from the air.

I remember buying one of the wrecks at a puplic auction for the 440 motor for my RR. Our town only had 2 cars and usually one was always at the station.

lol wow!