Stupid,Stupid People!

tonight, took the grandkids to McD's.Let them play in the playplace, all was cool. A little boy kept coming over to the table. The kids were playing with him so, no biggie.
After a bit we noticed the boy had taken Josh's (my grandson) cup and was drinking from it. It was the little boys cup now. about a 1/2 hour later the little boy had climbed up into the top of the play thing and was pouring the drink out of the cup on to the people below. A lady said something to the boys mother who wasn't paying a bit of attention to the boy at all. She just told the lady her son didn't have a cup of pop. We she realized he did, she took it from him and threw it in the trash. went back to ignoring her son. in fact the little boy was trying get some attention. As we left, I told the boys mother that I was missing a cup. That I was going to work 3rd shift and I had mixed 2 bottles of 5 hour energy with Coke and the cup was missing. I told her that I need 2 bottles to stay up because I'm a big guy, that her boy would be up for 2 days. She pulled money out of her purse and tried to pay me. She wasn't worried about her son ingesting enough caffeine to kill him, she worried about paying for my 5 hr energy. I was so disgusted I didn't bother to tell her I was lying. When I left, she was still sitting.
If that would been me, you couldn't stopped me from going to the hospital. I would been beside myself. Of course I was watching my grand kids.

People and their kids like that are why i don't want children. You just see that crap way way way too often.