'100' Fastest Mopars 1962 thru 1971

"Puts his Big-Boy pants on"

Look, a lot of people on here appreciate what 69Cuda brings to light. He offers knowledge and information that was either lost to time or buried. If you have a question about his information's Authenticity. Just ask him to post where he got the information from or to PM you...Maybe its personal track experience, Maybe he has factory research papers squirreled away, Maybe he knows a Mopar Engineer, or maybe he's sitting ontop of a pile of vintage Car Crafts/etc mags like a King....Maybe he doesn't want his source known publicly. And before the individuals start with the; I did ask him......No, you showed disrespect and played tit for tat. Why'll I don't agree with the name calling, I would assume that no-one on this forum would sit idle and allow someone else to throw mud on their research or opinion of something. This isn't Wheel-of-Fortune folks....We're not asking 20 Q's to belittle one another here..We're not Mo*****.com... We're on this Forum because we share a common enjoyment for these American Built pieces of art. To share stories, experiences, and knowledge.

So please be civil, I'm not saying don't ask questions. Just be polite and respect each other.