Classless Fabo posters...

i actually have no idea who the OP is refering to ....when i read classless i assumed it was me they were talking about ....but then in post #3 it says "he" so i know its not me. :jocolor::jocolor:

Bomber has to be talking about me. I knew it all along.

Seriously, I wish each post had a like/dislike or thumbs up/down. Someone gets too many disliked posts, well, good bye.

I talk to people on here like I would if we were face to face. I was taught to be polite, keep an open mind, but stick up for myself. On the internet, I have to do the equivelent of "walking away", because its impossible to give the offenders a high-five. In the face. Repeatedly.

So, I learn from each thread. Most of it is cool information, who is a good person, and who to just mentally discard anything they type.