Recieved a letter yesterday

Hahn is special to our family. My father sat nuke alert in F-100's during the Cuban Missile crisis at Hahn...met my mother and started a family there too (older sister). He was in the 10th TFS. Small world. I have awesome memories of "wine tasting" Mosel River Valley wine from Stephen Port when we took a trip to Germany. Glad you got to reconnect with old friends...that's the best! Good news is that wine's still cheap...and really good!
Your father was there the same time I was. On the day our Navy was blockading the Soviet ships outside Cuba, my launch crew was on duty in the blockhouse. It's scary to think that we were within 15 minutes of launching our nuclear missiles if we received the order. The 50th's F-100s were orbiting near the East German border, and the F-104s forward deployed from Spain sat idling in pairs at the end of the runway and could launch in seconds. The situation was really tense for days.

Spent lots of nights consuming Mosel wines when I lived in Traben-Trarbach. Had it delivered to the door like milk...fifty cents a litre. Top shelf stuff was seventy-five. Even helped pick grapes one year.