crane 1.6 rockers on indy la-x heads

my motor is finally getting close but having a problem with my geomitrty of my 1.6 crane gold rockers sitting to far forward on my new indy headed valve stems .It seems they want to sit a bit past 1/2 way on the valve stem. I had them on my 340 j heads and they sat back a little bit before 1/2 tho I don't remember the lift . my new cam is 525 and the heads are brand new indy la-x heads I had them make 2.02 Has any 1 else had this problem with 1.6 rockers I called crane and they said that they thought they should sit as they did on the stock heads . it looks if it lifts 3/4 open it will fall past the valve stem and KAPOW. has any 1 else had this problem or know why the rocker should be shorter,. or is the geometry of the valve cut wrong in my heads . please professional help needed I waited way to long for this motor it is hyrolic cammed with brand new indy rhs heads cut to 2.02 but they sit the same on the exhaust also .it seems indy used smaller diameter valves also ,wich takes more room away before the roller falls of the exhaust side