Loads, trailers and tow rigs that should have never been on the road.. Add yours

Nah as long as yours is fit for road use lmao . I will let chuck tell the story hahahaha I will just say I thought i was really going to die . But it was not the 1st time i thought i was going to die riding with him lol Inside joke coming up for chuckie ...... Passport .... oh **** oh **** oh **** . Tracker ......... Oh **** .... damn it chuck ! . ........ Now to the time yalls wanting to know .... I could not say nothing but chuck chuck chuck chuck ..... I was that scard lol .
and you went home without a scratch every time.

Long story short, forced move forced us to use a 98 grand Cherokee and a sh!tyy trailer to relocate my wife's (at the time) 98 gmc jimmy and it fish tailed horribly when an 18 wheeler passed us