Diabetic folks

Doug I'm diabetic but don't claim to be an authority on what's what but here's a few things I learned. As our body gets older we run short on insulin and insulin is what regulates our body sugar. Spikes in blood sugar happen to almost every diabetic after a meal. Some have it worse than others. Spikes in sugar are the opposite of going low (crashing). Not eating generally doesn't cause a sugar spike but some people are termed "fragile diabetics" and crazy stuff can happen to them. When she checks her sugar what numbers is she seeing? Right after I eat a full meal my sugar spikes anywhere from 135 (not a big deal) to 300 (pretty darn high). The type of food seems to affect me. Not sure if it does with everyone. A few months ago a new Mexican restaurant went in the next town over and every time I eat there my blood sugar barely goes up at all. Pasta on the other hand sends my sugar up. Tell Ernie to keep up on it as best she can and bug the doctor anytime she needs to. Diabetes is no laughing matter. I was just diagnosed 3 yrs. ago (think I actually had it for at least a couple yrs prior by some symptoms I was having but they didn't catch it). In that time I've lost the feeling in my 3 middle toes on each foot and it's affecting my sight a lot.

Is she taking anything for it? Metformin? Insulin? My doctor had me see a specialist and she said to eat 4 smaller meals a day vs. 3 big meals. It helps. The spikes are less. I suggest her making a log of what she eats and what her blood sugar is 2 hrs. after the meal. That'll tell her if some foods are bad for her. When she does this test make sure she drinks the same beverage so the test isn't skewed.

She is indeed taking Metformin. In the morning, before eating/drinking it is normally right around 100. At night, if she takes it before going to bed at 11 or so it is not uncommon for it to be around 150 or so. I don't know if she has ever checked it after eating. Her doctor has not suggested any dietary changes....as of yet. Her oncologist and rheumatolgist have told her to get off her butt and start exercising....but it is falling on deaf ears.

I will suggest to her she do the log book. My next visit to the doc, we see the same primary care doc I am going to ask him to get on her to start exercising......

She was just diagnosed with it in the past year. She has a couple of different inflammatory diseases so she gets blood work done every 4 months or so. With her it is hard to tell what makes her crash, between fibromyalgia and psoriatic arthritis she will be wide awake one minute and half asleep the next.

Thanks Tracy....