Diabetic folks

Doug Im diabetic too. Not sure whether 1 or 2, but the "lesser" of the 2 evils. Ive had it for approx 3-4 years. A little info on mine....I hadnt seen a doc in approx a year and since Im in Saskatchewan I figgered Id better go see one. They did my 3 month blood/urine and doc tells me I have kidneys of a 75-80 year old. Now that could be 2 differing opinions on dr's though. Doc tells me to change my diet asap, quit smoking and excercise.
Im a sweet freak but try to keep in check as much as possible. Here are some of the NO-NO's that I have been told. Or at least minimize as much as possible.
No starches
No carbs
No sugars....starches and carbs turn into sugars in your body. So minimize pasta, breads, rice.
Meds that I am on Glumetza(its a time release Metformin), low dose aspirin(diabetics at higher risk of heart n stroke problems), Onglyza and Rampiril.
I check the nutrient label on EVERY thing I buy at the grocery store now.
Good luck with it Doug. Fishy has lots of good points too!