Major setback

One day at a time and do the therapy :happy1: even the kind you can do at home, no lifting!! and be careful how you reach for a door knob in the next few weeks and do not pull on it :banghead: don't ask, but it will take time to heal.
I had lost most of mine to Arthur and my right side of my face went numb and saged!! folks thought I had a stroke!! rushed to the Hospital and my bone dr. all ready knew what was going on and 1 day later I was in surgery, I have a big pain threshold doc said and it should have been dun a couple years before..
My best friends was a door knob, I would stand next to the door and just turn it and not pull it open, just turn it about a 20 count then walk away, I would do this at least 3 times a day......... Yep I had a great Therapist =D> easy on the eyes also :D Do not over do anything or they will be right back in there BWDart, hang in there bud, prayers for a complete recovery.