Diabetic folks

800? Damn Cliff, that is scary sounding. I have been telling and telling and telling and telling....did I mention telling? Ernie that she needs to change her ways but it is falling on deaf ears. We had a bit of a go around last night over this....again. The big thing is thanks to our habits....and her refusal to exercise......that she has packed on some weight.....and has developed sleep apnea. Sure she has a cpap.....but between her snoring and the thing leaking I don't get much rest. Ever try to sleep next to a leaking air compressor? It has gotten to the point for me that my doc has had enough of my exhaustion, I am going for a sleep study. Without her there I will no doubt sleep like a rock....
Anyhow, back on subject, Cliff, how long have you been battling this? Does diabetes run in your family or are you the lucky one? Some of this stuff is truly frustrating....

Ink I have diabetes from chemo, all the poisons they put me through is what killed my pancreas. But I can say I would have gotten diabetes late in life like most of my family and would have listen better. I was 38 when I came down with it. I am on a cpap also because of weight gained,if her mask is leaking air it might be the wrong one so get her to try another.

I wish I had listen to my doctor 13 years ago I would be better off. From the chemo I got neuropthy,diabetes. From the diabetes my neuropthy has gotten worse and suppose to be in a power chair at all times,but I don't listen, my eye sight has gotten worse and I am suppose to be wearing tri focals I have yet to get them.

Tell your wife if I had changed my diet and exercise 13 years ago I would not be in this shape now. I have to depend my sons to help work on my car so a simple repair takes weeks because they work. I have all but given up on it except for one thing I still want to go back to work even though everyone in my family is against it. Going to the doc's tomorrow for that so I can get rehab to help me go back to work.

Tell your wife and have her to read this whole thread. If she doesn't do what it takes diabetes will destroy her health very quickly like it has mine because I didn't listen. I have been lucky enough to see my 3 grand daughters from my middle son but question if I will ever see my other 2 sons marry and have children. With what I am doing now will help prolong my life.

BTW did I say I love steak? One of my favorite meals is a ribeye steak and a small salad. I can get ribeye's here for 5.00 each so I try to get 2 a week.