Diabetic folks

You have every right to be scared ink. I went to my heart doctor last week I forgot to include that as a side effect of diabetes, but in my case Chemo and diabetes my lower heart muscle is weak and I am on meds for that again I went without it for 2 months and it's starting from scratch again.

Do you both have bicycles? If so get them out and get her to go bike riding with you in a park to help her get started.

We do indeed have bicycles, but just like the other thing I bought a seated Elliptical machine she will not use it. We have a treadmill as well, she will not use the treadmill because it causes her to hurt. I have torn cartilages in both my knees as well as Lumbar Spinal Stenosis and still use the treadmill. I don't think she understands that one has to push thru the aches and pains one has if they are going to exercise. Again, it is another thing I have tried to explain to her, several times, but it is like talking to a rock at times. The bicycle.....well......now it the excuse is going to be it is to cold. The excuse 6 weeks ago was it is to hot. Or to sunny.

What I am afraid of is something happening to her that would really prevent her from exercising and then things going down hill quickly from there. But again, my pleas for her to get up and exercise are falling on deaf ears. She is one of those folks that can have a full closet of clothes.......gain some weight....and then just go buy all new clothes instead of doing the right thing. Why exercise to help control my blood sugar when I can take a pill?

Anybody ever use Monk Fruit as a sweetener? While she is sitting around daily she will often watch Dr. Oz, he discussed this the other day. We found it at Wally World. Been using it in our coffee, instead of 2 packets of sugar one packet of this will do the trick. It sweetens up your coffee without that weird after taste that sugar or any of the other sweeteners we have tried.