Diabetic folks

Doug for me diabetes runs in my family on both sides. Dad, Uncle, both Grampas.
A little info on my dad and his diabetes(insulin dependent) My last trip home to see Dad, he was on Dialysis 3 times a week and each session was 3 hours. In conjunction with this was chemotherapy once a week. He lost close to 25 lbs in 2 months because of not eating! He would eat an equivalent of maybe a sandwich a day(due to chemo everything tasted like mush/****). Sorry for being long winded here, but my point is that Dad is now NOT on dialysis and NOT taking insulin?? WTF happened?? This is my opinion that because he had no INPUT(food) that his kidneys cleared themself up?? I dunno how else to explain it. Everyone I know or heard from, once you are on Dialysis, you are on it for life. Weird how it "straightened" out.

I think Rocky is onto some good points there(again) with going for a drive(maybe try running outta gas??) LOL
But even if the drive is 80% of the outing and then walking for 20% of it. Its something different and a gradual increase in excercise is better than none.
Its big changes and its tough to get out of a rut when you are in one. Trust me I know. Like Grassy said the daily "stick yer finger" is approx 4-7.
The 3 month average is measured differently. I got my results last week and can post them if you like. Like I said doc said I have kidneys of a 75 year old....I just bout pissed my pants right there!!
Healthy snacks throughout the day is better than 1 or 2 meals, but I dont practice what I preach.

Thanks Rocky, yes oral meds only for me, so type 2. Glumetza is time released Metformin and all my diabetic pills are to be taken with food. Oh yes I also take Percocets...not often maybe 3 a month for my back. I also have Diclofenac(anti inflam) and take MAYBE 2 a month. Thanks for the heads up with these!!

All the best Doug, baby steps and I tell Lori Im 45 and my health AINT gonna get better without changes.

Funny it feels good contributing to something that is non mopar related LOL