MP Dist Timing Scatter and Bad Curve

I bought a mopar distributer from Don at fbo systems, I paid 170.00 for it I believe.
He set it up to have 18 degrees of mechanical advance. And the Vaccum advance he puts on them adds 14 degrees of timing. I dropped it in and set my initial timing to 16 degrees and that of course puts my total timing at 34 degrees. Then I plugged the vaccum advance into a full manifold port on my carburetor and the vaccum advance adds 14 degrees of timing at idle to my 16 degrees of initial for a total of 30 degrees at idle. The only problem I have had with this distributer that I purchased from don is that the pick up coil was starting to go out after about a year.
My engine wouldn't start, and I traced the problem to the pick up coil, because I could wiggle the pick up wires and then it would fire up. So I bought a new pick up coil from car quest and installed it. And I have not had any more problems with it.
I think he knows what he is doing when it comes to the mopar distributers, And I think he gives a good deal on phasing and re-curving them. Only 80.00 bucks, and in my opinion it's well worth 80 bucks to know your distributer is phased and curved correctly.