Diabetic folks

Steve your A1C is generally considered an average measured over several months. I get checked every 6 months with blood work and I am at that time now come to think of it. It looks like the system you use to measure A1C is the same. And yes that is elevated. You need to be 6.0 or lower....

You must have an older (late 50s) doctor..

AiC is it an average of 3 months...

You are in the zone from 3.6 to 6.7

Doctors are ok if you slide into the early 7s if you are a type II..no idea if type 1

Some type 2s find it hard to be in the zone ..shaking, etc.. I was so high when I was diagnosed that it took me a long while before I would stop shaking if I dropped below 6.5

When I was diagnosed, I read everything including the stuff produced by the AMA. One of the best guides I have ever read was the Dummins guide for diabetics..fun, informative and very spot on..who would have thought..