No more seling parts !!

Sorry to read this and you should be Naming names period.

First rule of selling,

No part will leave my house until I have cash in hand. This means your money order, check or how ever you pay me must be green backs in my hand. And the reason is I use some of that money to ship the item.

If you say you sent the money and I didn't get it. The part won't ship! Period!
I don't care how many bad guy threads you start on me. If I don't get it or the check or money order is crap, you get nothing.

You can go all over the web trashing me, I do not care, the bottom line is I didn't get the money and as far as I'm concerned, your just trying to screw me. So kiss off, your not getting the part no way no how until I have cash in hand.

End of story.

Any questions? Re read the post!


Attitudes like that are why I will not buy anything online without a credit card. TWICE, I paid for things that were never shipped. Once, the guy relisted the stuff I paid for the day he got the money! I don't screw around: since I sent the payment Priority Mail-return receipt & it was a USPS money order, I sicced the postal inspectors on him for mail fraud! If you do not send what I paid for, I WILL have you arrested!