don't oil your hood hinges!!!!

Missouri wind blew the other day at 40-50 mph. woman in house 20 yds away, T V going, wind howlin, dog barking.... she can't hear poop. after screaming at top of my lungs "heeelllllppppppp!!!!" for how many minutes????? she finaly ambles out to shed where i been workin on the old dart............. ' WHAT'S THE MATTER DEAR???? my respond, " glad you heard me, for a while i thought i would have to rely on nearest neighbor ( 1 1/2 mi away). would you look for hood release and free my hand before i passout?"
how: hand was resting on fender over on right side of car,, lookin in that hell hole for the latest challenge, wind blew the freshly oiled and greased hood on my hand, (yes, 5 ton grulillo couldn't have slammed it any harder!).. neatly catching my hand between the knuckles and middle finger joints on four fingers of right hand. i was finally able to reach pair of pliers and pry up hood just enough so i got some circulation... then she appears . didn't check my watch , must have been a while,,, lost my voice for 4 days, how it didn't break my fingrs, don't know.!! LOL but true.