Head Porting Recomendation?


I was able to get by Performance CNC today. This is not what we'd think of as a "retail" type shop. The vast majority of their work consists of proprietary "secret" machining for engine builders and race teams around the world. As per their wishes, this was the only pic I took.
View attachment Performance CNC 001.JPG

Me just walking in was somewhat out of the ordinary, they prefer a low profile, but after a few moments when they realized I wasn't a spy, lol, it was a very pleasurable experience. I met Dad (Wayne) and Son (Jason). We had a nice conversation and Jason gave me a tour of the shop area for 20 mins or so. The variety of heads in this place was phenomenal. Every brand you could imagine, some experimental pieces, 4 valve stuff and even some from Aussie land. One cool thing, there just happened to be a Rpm 440 head running in one of the machines that I was able to observe...Very cool.

They do a very limited amount of finish work, flow testing, and valve work. The are mainly a machining center for their particular customers who do all their own final finishing. They are staying busy, about a 4wk turnaround on CNC work, and up to 8wks if a turn key pair is needed.

Now, if they would just hire me...:D.