Alum vs. babbit brgs?

Tri metal will absorb abuse and contaminants easier-embedability is better than with Aluminum. Aluminum is better to run with tight clearances and thinner oil, they've been widely used in newer engines for at least 20 years now. Cost, I think, is kind of a wash depending on the app. Aluminum, when used properly and with good clean oil, actually kinda polishes the crank journals, but for most older designed engines, the tri-metals are probably the best/safest/most reliable choice.

while you guys are talking bearings, have you ever heard that a hot 440/505'' wedge must run full grooved bearings? mine are half grooved, came w/ the stroker kit from hughs. was told this week by a mopar builder that you should always run full grooved bearings ina 440. any and all comments appreciated-----bo:coffee2:b