aligning a spool mounted SB

Once you've got new spool mounts in there, I'd check the header against a known, good set of mounts and then make any adjustments to the header, itself, from there.

Those poly units just slide in. I wasn't able to use mine with the original bolts. I had to bring them with me to the hardware store and get some grade eight bolts with smaller shanks, because the sleeve was too small. Your hardware may be different, since it's on a '71 B body, compared to the '73 A body I was working on, but it's no biggie. Just a heads up.

The torch works good to get the rubber out, once you have the mounts off of the car. The left residue comes off with solvents. I used laquer thinner and a rag.

Be sure to grab an extra bolt, the same length and size as the grade 8 bolts for your mounts, only with full thread with 4-6 fender washers and two nuts for the expansion tool, to set in the k member ears. Bolt goes across, washers just inside the face of the ears and nuts inside those, to force the ears away from each other.