Help Kicking the Pop/soda habit?

It really helps having cold water available. One of the mental fast mapping issues with soda is that you think of it as a thirst quencher. Tap water is usually not as appealing as refrigerated beverages, from the association with it's temp. Ice works, but it's an inconvenience, so keeping a dispenser in your refrigerator is the best way to go.

Bring a thermos with chilled water. Water bottles help, but having a thermos will make it more appealing. Basically, anything you can do to make the alternative more convenient and appealing, do that instead.

Instead of loading a 12pk or a 2 liter into your fridge, replace it with the water dispenser.

I hung out with a borderline diabetic who couldn't drink a drop. I made a habbit of not getting combos at food chains because of him.

Any associations you can break, you'll be better off. Don't go to places where you buy it all the time.

I stopped driving to work and take the train, now, because of how convenient it is to me. As an example, I know not everyone can jump on a train, but simply put; I don't stop for coffee and donuts anymore. I still make coffee at home on the french press, but I've saved a lot of money, just by not being around the places that I'd drive to, for breakfast and lunch. I just eat at home and pack a sandwich. I'm saving something like $300 a month in gas and food.