Help Kicking the Pop/soda habit?

See for me there is nothing esle I drink the soda. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Replacing that is going to be tough. I know I do need more water in my diet. I need to lose some weight im too heavy and its starting to take a toll. I figured switching to Diet would help but after reading its just as scary as regular soda. Im not a tea drinker either or coffee.

The acids in soda also leach calcium out of your bones. This does 2 things. It makes your bones brittle, and can give you kidney stones. If you never have passed one before, they say the pain is worse than a woman giving birth. Now i dont know about you, but i dont want to ever experience pain like that shooting thru my peter to pass a stone or stones. I drink a lot of plain water, or water with a lemon or lime wedge in it. My wife is a soda junkie, she is having a hard time kicking it. I can take it or leave it. I like mountain dew, and cherry coke, but may have a soda mebbe 3 or 4 times a month.

Good luck, read whats in it, that should be enough to turn you off to drinking it.
