Actor and car enthusiast, Huntington Beach local Deis in car crash today

While it's tragic, this should be used as an example of what not to do on the street with a car to every young person who follows that suck balls movie series. These guys were rich enough to rent an entire race track, yet they chose to drive at high speed on public streets endangering everyone around them. They both got what was coming to them. They did it to themselves. I am glad they didn't do it to anyone else.

I'm glad you said this instead of me. We have had huge fights over ripping around on the street, in several threads.

This, right here, is the reality. Doesn't matter how good of a driver you think you are, you can die or kill someone else.

Now the argument can be made that you can be hit and killed, doing 35 while going to the grocery store. That is very true.

But, speed and carelessness raises the odds significantly.

People on here have bragged about how their kids laugh when "Dad" is getting on it. I bet those two were laughing and all smiles too..... Right up to the point where they were both, nothing but, burning bodies.