Actor and car enthusiast, Huntington Beach local Deis in car crash today

No, they ain't always accurate, but they are all we have to go on. It was an exotic, very powerful car. There were plenty of burnout marks at the scene. Cars don't just explode hitting something at 30 MPH, agree? Before I ever said a F'ing thing, I said it was a tragedy, but that got overfuckinlooked.

I never got on a pulpit. Here's my whole point. These Hollywood types are already in the spotlight. OUR KIDS watch the movies they puke out. OUR KIDS worship these people. OUR KIDS do things they do. So, when they do something STUPID it weighs much more heavily than the rest of us. One of us here crashes his car and kills the **** outta himself doin something STUPID and all we get is maybe local headlines.

Our men and women get killed PORTECTING OUR NATION in combat and get nothing. It sickens me to death. I am sure Paul what's his face was a good guy and all. The fact is, he was no more important than any other person on the face of this rock. We all do stupid stuff. But in my eyes, when you're making movies and in the public eye, you have higher standards of behavior to adhere to.

Did he have more money than sense? Maybe. But I never said that. What I said was that he had enough money to rent a race track, and that was true. He could have done what he did on a closed course and he might still be kickin. He chose the path he took and it was a damned stupid one. It cost him everything and is friend too.

I don't condone those actions. And if you have a problem with me condemning them, then that's a bridge you're just gonna have to build and get over. I don't really give a **** about what you think about the situation. You're entitled to your opinion. Leave me the F alone and let me be entitled to mine.