Actor and car enthusiast, Huntington Beach local Deis in car crash today

You are a Hipocrite when it comes to this subject. I've seen the Videos of you in your Dart going 115-120 MPH weaving in and out of traffic on the Freeway before you crushed it. We all do stupid **** and just have not paid the piper......Yet! Don't be acting like an angel.

lol.. you have never seen my dart on video weaving in and out of traffic at over 100. that is a fact.. i do not and never did do that weaving in and out of traffic. not even in my daily driver. i'm a one lane kinda guy. if i have to get over a lane i will do so to go around someone doing 50 in the left lane but hardly call that weaving in and out of traffic. in my daily driver its usually get in the left lane and stay there for me though. and truthfully in my dart, jamies dart and even my mustang i'm usually in the right or middle (not as grooved up) lanes cruising between 55 and 75.

you may have seen a burnout of two. or even a gps that had a top speed as 158 mph but like i said when that was posted. i think it had a hiccup or something. not sure if it jumped satellites or what. but there was no way i ever did that speed in that car.