Help Kicking the Pop/soda habit?

im addicted to diet mountain dew ....and replacing it has been a challenge in the last week...its getting to where I wake up craving it.

I know its no good for me but for years I justified It because I don't booze. so I figured that everyone is entitled to one bad thing ....but this is getting out of hand....I can drink a 2 litre bottle by myself in a day.

I used to buy 12 packs and one a day was enough and now its more like 4 or 5 a day. I even tried different pop/soda like Dr. Pepper and coke.

Coke is weak ....and Dr. pepper is great flavor but no boost in it like the mountain dew.

I was going to upgrade to red bull or monster when my mom noticed and told me to knock it off. :coffee2: