how do we wake up a forum

I'm a member of B bodies only as well.

I'm not nearly as active in that forum, because I haven't even begun to do anything on the B body cars I'm working on. I will, but this is where I usually go.

One of the reasons I think this site in particular gets so many hits and has such a large member base, is because almost every mopar owner has either owned or does own some kind of A body, even if they have others. They are the least expensive and most available of the mopar world, and for those reasons, among others, it makes them the most practical ones to own.

So, inherently, this forum would have the highest volume, by nature.

I was (and still am) a member of and have been since 2002, under the name TrashedCharger. That place used to be jumping.

I know that Rob (rumblefish) as well as others have migrated here as well from that forum, because of the volume of people that this one has.

I'm willing to bet that this is the largest mopar based community online.