How many postal workers?

Out here in the sticks, there are no Rural Carriers. Instead we are HCRs, or Highway Contract Routes. What this means is that I am an independent contractor, working under contract for the USPS to deliver mail. This way, they can get out of paying benefits and such. No vacation, no sick leave, no retirement, etc. I make a little over 2 bucks a mile, and my route is over 23,000 miles a year. Not bad money, but the whole six day a week groundhog day is getting old. I can't quit, because the way the contract is written, the Postal service holds me financially liable for any difference in cost for them to replace me if I do quit. There are only 2 ways out of the contract, either become disabled or become dead. Use your own vehicle, but it must meet their criteria, which for my route is 4WD, 90 cubic ft of cargo space, and model year 04 or newer. Therefore, my primary is a 2005 Durango. Spare vehicle can be whatever, as in my 83 Jeep 2wd. Fuel reimbursement rate is adjusted immediately if gas prices drop, and when they get around to it if fuel goes up. There have been times when I was losing over a dollar a gallon. Apparently, either I'm one dumb sumbitch, or a glutton for punishment, as I have done two 4 year hitches and am currently 2 years into a six year. But at the end of this one, they can kiss my *** goodbye.