How many postal workers?

I started as a letter carrier in 1983 and loved the job for the first 20 years but things started changing and it turned into a hell hole. About 6 months before my scheduled retirement they added 50% to my route and told me it was 8 hr route and started pressuring me to go faster. There were times I would be delivering mail in the dark until 9:00 PM or later during Christmas. I got so stressed that it caused my blood pressure to skyrocket. My Doctor told me to retire sooner because the stress would kill me. It was all designed to make me leave early. They want the older people to retire so they can hire low wage and few benefit workers to lower costs. I had three months to go and was on sick leave because of back pain. My doctor kept me out the last 3 months and by the time retirement date came I was fully healed and stress was gone. I retired in June of 2012 and life has been good and I feel I have been let out of prison. The postal service is not a good place to work anymore and runs like a sweat shop. I have friends still there that are trying to hang on until they can retire and just had one friend retire before eligible and will have to wait a year to draw his pension They do not care about workers and in my opinion it is corrupt in how they treat people. I still have nightmares delivering mail in the dark. Sorry to be so negative but after the way they treated me I have a lot of resentment and use UPS or Fedex when possible over my former employer.