How many postal workers?

They do not care about workers and in my opinion it is corrupt in how they treat people.

Sad but true. If you do get hurt on the job pretty much a guarantee that you will be treated like a criminal. A friend took one of the early outs, just to get away from the place. He ended up having to get a job to make ends meet. He is making less than half of what he was but is no longer miserable. The plant I was at was the same place where Louis Holley worked. Louis was the fellow that stole several million dollars and just walked out. Shortly after he did this we had the Maricopa County Sheriffs in the building. I was talking to one of them that was assigned to go out with me and collect the mail. He said in the 35+ years of being a working stiff he had never observed employees getting treated as poorly as Postal Employees.