Help with Fiance's Ford Ranger

The exhaust has a very weird smell to it. Nothing like I have ever smelled before. It was also very white like a blown head gasket, but I dont see any water in the oil and the plug appeared to be dry with the exception of oil.

She wants to have it towed to a stealership. It sucks because we dont have a spare vehicle so we are going to have to make due with one truck right now.

sounds like you may have a few things going on, the oil on the plug sounds like a broken ring, you really need to do a compression test, it also could be a blown piston, I worked on my friends ranger once, it was doing what yours is and the no#5 piston looked like some one took a torch and melted a hole straight thru the edge of it, right where the head gasket blew, not saying that's what's wrong, just giving you things to check, the compression testers ain't that much, if I couldn't get mine back I'd buy a new one, a whole hellva lot cheaper then having a dealer tell you the cylinder is dead after having it towed there, just my 2 cents.