How many postal workers?

Postal there is an oxymoron if there ever was one. This may be a bit of a stretch but....My wife worked at the West Valley facility. They process only parcels. They did not have enough Postal Pack Dumpers so management had them pulling them over. They are about 6' tall if I remember correct. As she was pulling on one to tip it over it ripped, putting her on her ***. Was diagnosed with a sprained tail bone initially. Ended up with a bruised sciatic nerve. Push comes to shove she was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. From everything her docs have told us firbro is often caused by a traumatic
Same week Ernie fell 4 others fell as well. This *** clown Junior was in charge of the place. Fast forward a few years and said *** clown had an EEO complaint filed against him. By the time all was said and done he/the USPS lost. Paid the guy the 300k, paid for both is move to CA and then back to AZ....all the court costs, legal fees for the fellow that filed it. 4 years worth of salary, complete with the average amount of OT that the OT desired list got etc. All said & done it was close to 2 million dollars.....Juniors punishment....a 9 month detail job in Hawaii...with a $450 a day per dium......along with the same amount for his wife, who was not a Postal employee....
I despise the place. Even if they have the lowest price for shipping things if given a choice I will use another carrier.