Why in HELL would a person do this?

I guess it's easy for guy's who have never been in a uniform to criticize the mans motivation for returning.
I can't speak for him personally, but sometimes I feel as thou I left part of my soul in the middle east.
There are times when I think if I go back, I can get some of me that I left back.
But, when I'm 85 and I'm thinking I'm going to seeing my maker at any time, I'm going to want to reconcile my peace.
Government be damned, they put me in that position in the first place.
This guy probably got drafted, so screw the inconvenience he put the government thru.
It's a hard thing to explain. I guess it's even harder to understand if you never been there.
If you never wore a uniform and took a shot, then keep your pie hole shut!

I wore the uniform for over twenty years and never heard a shot fired in anger, so perhaps you don't think my 2 cents isn't worth 2 cents, but Ill offer it anyway. While I don't question the motivation, I question his wisdom and the wisdom of family members that might have had some influence on his decision to go to that psycho-run hellhole. He didn't inconvenience the government, he put his friends, family and every American citizen at risk and asked them to foot the bill for his bad decision.

I've known lots of returning combat vets and most are well adjusted, while some are emotional basket cases. Not saying it hasn't happened, but I have yet to know anyone who resolved issues by returning to the site of their emotional trauma. In my opinion, it plays better in Hollywood than it does in real life.

If I ever decide to go somewhere I'm not wanted, and my country doesn't want me to go, I'm on my own and I won't be looking for, or expecting rescue from anyone.