Windshield sealing? lock strip

Correct. the rubber cord 'lock strip' starts where the flap ends.

My seal is from Dantes, and is listed same for 70-76 Duster, Demon, Dart Sport. I believe they list the regular Dart seal as from 68-76. Mine has the round rubber lockstrip, and was identical to what I took out (and believe to be original)
I'm no expert, just did my own (75 Duster) recently after reading a lot of threads on here. I have seen a few posts of people saying they did not use sealer and it worked. All I can say is if it works your a lot luckier than me. My old one was sealed both to the glass and the metal. I used the rope caulk in the groove to seal the metal and 3m windoweld urethane to the glass. I still had leaks under the rubber to the shelf where it sits. I ended up re-doing it with a tube of butyl (NAPA) for the bottom. I layed a heavy bead down and let it squeeze out. Then cleaned up excess so it won't interfere when I put the trim back on. Made a big mess, but it is sealed now (I actually still have a very small leak, but 99% sure it is a wiper).

Hmm...sorry if I am making you repeat yourself, but the lock strip goes in the gap that ties in with the gap pictured, but it runs from each end of the bottom, up the sides and to the other bottom end - thus not going into the spot where the lip is tucked in?