cheap OB2 scanners??

Stop trying to turn an discussion into something it's not. Rob was just pointing out that "we" individuals are not gonna spend that kind of money on a backyard "fix." If you're doing this for a living, that's a different deal
Well if you read the post it sure sounded like a personal attack on me..He even stated as PT Barnum says there is a sucker born every minute..That pretty much says it all.. Good luck fixing your cars without the proper tools...And yes I have the software in my lap top to program the newer stuff too...Stupidity is user friendly...It doesn't bother me if you like chasing problem for days...And how close are the parameters of the sensors...Also Im sure in Georgia you dont have the drivebility issues we have hear in the NE...The customer in my shop is back on the road the same day 99% of the time...Bill