The "Good old Days"

Hmmm....lessie. Getting called "one eyed jack" by the bully up the street after I was attacked by a bobcat at 8 and lost my left eye.

Being made fun of by everyone in grammar school including teachers because I had to wear a conformer in my eye socket......a clouded plastic disc with two holes in the front to shape the eye socket for a prosthesis.

Then after finally getting my first artificial eye and just knowing my troubles were over, again being made fun of by everyone in school because my eyes were not perfect.

Finally when I was 17 I got my first "custom eye" which is made off the eye socket itself. While a better fit, I was still persecuted all through high school because my eyes were still not perfect. Girls? What are those?

No, there were no good old days for me. Now that I am older I just don't give a **** about what anybody thinks.