Out with the old in with the old

Problem 1- Oscillating vibration at Hwy speeds plus shuddering when first moving from a stop.

Suspected cause - Busted trans mount + solid motor mounts

Solution - New rubber motor and trans mount + Schumacher Torque Strap.

Will report back once parts are installed. I'm looking forward to not having my guts shaken when driving the Dart around.

Found out the cause was a neutral balanced converter & busted trans mount. Supposed to be a weighted converter on these external balanced 360s. A weighted flex plate and new trans mount fixed about 95% of the problem. Now the only vibration is very light at hwy speeds.

This nice cool weather and smoother driving has the dart feeling pretty good cruising around town.

Bad news is I broke my finger and had to have surgery to put it back together. 7 screws and a plate later I'm on the injured reserves list for a few weeks.