A&A Transmissions..Customer fail!!!

I have a business and im gonna tell you something important , email, fb, forums and every other correspondence is for when there is time to sit down otherwise...........USE the PHONE not email, not FB, not pm's, not twitter, USE THE P H O N E

I love when people say i was trying to get ahold of you the other day and couldn't, my answer "when did you call", they say "i emailed or fb", i say well thats why you didn't get me.

I open my email i got 300 messages a day sometimes, how many do you think i get thru..... 6 and the ph rings, customer walks in....

I use A&A, never ever one issue.


SuperShafts, wake up, it's 2013 not 1978..
Something I have never been able to understand about some businesses is the fact that they go to all the trouble of having a web site with email, online sales,getting on forums, using Facebook, etc to promote their business and then treating people who use email or those other means of communication ( that they promote on their site) as "second class" customers who only get their attention if they have some spare time. .
That way of doing business in my opinion is appalling.
If you can't manage your email load then get someone to help or don't advertise an email address. It's as simple as that..
Your attitude here SuperShafts just amazes me, It's sad to think that you may get as many as 300 emails, yet blow so many potential customers off because you just don't have enough time in the day to deal with it, and a phone call to you is more important than a written message and someone taking the time out to write it. Who's fault do you think that is? Yours? or the the guy trying to put some cash in your pocket??? I guess you don't live in Detroit..People there are just about walking the streets carrying a sign, trying to get some work in the door to make a buck.
I like to use email because it gives me a record of my communications. If there is a problem with a wrong part being shipped, a part not turning up or an order that is incomplete, then I have a record of what was said. There is no arguing about who is at fault if there is a problem.
If I need a specific part with a certain size or dimension it's better to use email then trying to give a bunch of specs over the phone.
It has advantages that a simple "phone call" just can't match, like language barriers and alike if your an International customer.