is this true about a 350 sbc vs a sbm

dollar for dollar the 350 will make more power and rev higher than a small mopar.
which motor lasts, only the builder knows. lol
I would say thats highly debatable and mostly not so..being you have to build the chebbie 3 times to the Mopar's 1....but lots of variables I guess,I would still go with the Mopar without a doubt if comparing apples to apples,sure chevy parts are cheaper but you get what you pay for, they are greater in have to change everything but the block in a chebby to accomplish if you take a reg 350 and a reg dodge 340 or 360,same cam profiles,valve size,intake,carb etc...the stock 350 rods wouldnt survive the same as the 360..seen it to many times....maybe the modern day stuff is better tech than previous I dont know...I have personally beefed up many a 318's that would smoke most any 350's on the street with less money or tech, but wth I'm just rambling...yes I am loyal to MOPAR only for a reason and I thought this site was for-a-bodies-only which = MOPAR not brand to me it's like an insult or a slap in the face to make such a statement and find no humor whatsoever in it seems like total dissrespect to me,maybe I'm overreacting but IDGAS....If I wanted to talk brand x or exhault them I would be on a brand x site singing their praises...try going on a ford or chevy site and make such a statement and see what kinda reaction you get...just sayin