Dusty's Demise

Hi Guys, Sorry I haven't been around for a bit. This year was a really rough one for me. I had stopped driving completely a couple of years ago, as my seizures began to haunt me again, and I refuse to drive unless I've been completely seizure free for at least a year. So, repairs on the Duster, unfortunately, started to take the back burner, while I still kept an eye out for a new transmission. She was drivable, yet still, no reverse.

Well, a couple of months ago, my husband was driving her as we were headed home from work. We were about to cross an intersection and the light was green. There were two flow through lanes, and two turning lanes. We were in the left flow through lane, as we'd be turning left just a couple of blocks ahead. Just as we were about to cross the intersection, a tourist who was in the right lane sees a Starbucks and decides he needs to get into the left turn lane, and veers in front of us, then stops. We were so close, we had no time to stop behind him. So, as my husband steps on the break pedal, Dusty hit the back of this tourist.

With the help of a few spectators, we get out of the middle of the intersection and into the Starbucks parking lot. Phone calls were made, information exchanged, and an hour later, we were slowly limping home. What cracked me up is during that time, a cop pulled into Starbucks drive through and didn't even concern himself to what was going on between us and the other driver.

The other driver totally admitted he was at fault, even though we hit him from behind, which automatically, the responsibility would have been on us. But, he was adamant about it being his fault. So, 90% of it went to him, and 10% went to us.

Luckily, no one was hurt...

Dusty, however, that's another story. She didn't make it. The front end was totally crushed. And after I had spent over a year, looking for a new fender and bumper! This time she wasn't repairable. The radiator was bent, the battery displaced and the hoses mangled. It was a sad sight to see.

So, Jeff and I made a very tough decision to let her go, and sell her for parts. Sad day to see her go. But, I had five fun years of driving her and trying to restore the pieces that were rusting away.

If you don't mind having me, I will remain a member, and hopefully, someday, when my health is in check again, I'll start looking for another car. I'd love to find another A-Body. I loved that car to pieces...literally.

In the meantime, I'll check in when I can to say hello and see what my friends here are doing. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. Stay warm & be safe.

Much love & aloha,