Are prices way down on classic muscle right now?

To be honest, I think its virtually all over. If people are hanging out for their muscle car to be an investment, well, I now think its too late. The main market, the Baby Boomer, is getting too old, and already has his "Collection".
Im "Middle Aged" now, but even I was too young to buy into the Muscle era at the time it was on. When I could, in the late 70s early 80s, I never even considered a hot car as an was a toy, maybe drive to work with. Sleepers were the thing, restos were for old dudes with 20s and 30s cars. Then, because of TV of the early 80s and Nostalgia of BBs, with muscle car took off. By the late 80s Cuda Hemis were $1 mill. That all stopped in the 90s, then took off again in the 2000s. Now it has stopped, this time for good im afraid.
ALL the BBs now have their toys, and Young people, mostly 99%, are NOT interested in crappy 30-40 year old cars that drive like 40 year old cars.
A bucket of bolts that ran low 13s/high 12s in the 70s and 80s was a very qwick car!!!
NOW you can buy Brand New Modern muscle cars that run mid 12s stock and with a tweak 11s easily, AND can stop and turn corners, with the a/c and stereo on.
There are Toooo many good cars nowdays (not to mention the Japanese and Eruo rockets) to sink 50-100K in an "Old Mans car".
I love my Dart, but NO Way will I participate in inflated old muscle car prices, because people think they are worth 1 mill.....they are not. Those days are Gone!!!!
So enjoy what you got, collect if you wish, just be prepared that your family will sell them off faster than you can spin in your grave.