Computer Techs?? Stupid Playtopus Problem!!!

I don't use Windows, so I haven't been hit with that nasty little piece of work, but I hate malware even more, so I did some research - Google is your friend (or Bing)!

I found several places that have manual instructions, and it is a multi-step process. All of the places I looked at had pretty much the same steps listed. This one goes into a little more detail and so might be easier to follow. The first part of the page gives a lot of background info, but no worries just follow it down to the instructions.

Take your time, read the instructions completely. The site, above, does have a tool, but it is something that you can do manually by following the instructions. It might be good to print the entire page also and keep it handy.

If you have any questions before you start, come on back.