Are prices way down on classic muscle right now?

The prices just like any other collectors market, whether it be baseball memorabilia or comic books to toys etc...... They all have ups and downs and will fluctuate due to economic and market trends. They will always adjust to supply and demand. The market has dropped across the board due to economy and availability of modern muscle off the showroom floors. As the Cafe standards rise and the government pushes performance down again and cars shrink, engine wise and size wise, the interest will again turn to the classic muscle cars.
There will always be a demand for performance cars and the ability to customize and soupe them up. As officials get in the way of that with the newer cars and the performance drops like it did when smog regulations were choking the engines down with all the new emissions equipment, the market will shift once again..... There is a trend of guys buying classic bodies and dropping in new LS chevy motors or the new Hemi motors. They want all the technology and tune-ability with mileage benefits but don't want the smog regulations. They drop it into a classic smog exempt body and dump the smog equipment etc. some even pull the Intake system and go with the tunable EFI system with the classic carb look to add the old air cleaner to give it the appropriate old school look. And these are the young guns doing this not just the old to middle aged guys. As the regulations stiffen and choke out performance more young guys will eventually follow. Just be sure to never count on it as an investment because trends and styles change. The wild paint schemes of the late 70's and eighties aren't that appealing now....... Even some of the early nineties stuff now looks funny. Do it for the love and passion of the hobby not for the money and it will always be a win-win that way.