Looking for some measurements on 273 commando valve covers.

I have a 66 Dart convertible that I'm slowly trying to finish. but have run into a little problem with the wife's car that I'm trying to get giong before I do more on mine.
She saw the 273 commando valve covers and liked them. (the finned part)
now I've got a DIY CNC that might just mill aluminum slowly(really slow, but it works to make the prototypes parts to work on my car) and decided that since I have a couple of chunks of rectangular bar stock that I could possible mill down to simulate the finned look. Does anyone have measurements of the finned part so I can see if it's even possible to make them for her 66 dart with stock 273 valve covers. Or just break down and get her some when I start her engine rebuild. yeah I know it's probably be cheaper to just buy them,but I would like to try.
need length,width (6 fins right?). and approx height of fins and spark plug wire holders. I don't need it to the thousandth (more like 3 x/x something or another by x x/x) since I'm going to move the spark plug wire holders into different wider spread location for a smoother look.

HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Happy New Year.