Reassembling 340

Reassembling my 340 and noticed the cam retaining thrust plate Ibolts do not all "match" (one looks like a hardware bin piece) It is correct size/thread pitch, but what concerns me is, it was installed in the right upper hole. According to the 340 rebuild book, this bolt was supposed to have a "weep" hole to lube the timing chain. This engine was built for 1/4 mile drags and is now about to relive it's life as I street toy! I can not locate a correct replacement bolt anywhere......sooooo, Question is....Is it necessary? Entertained thoughts of chucking it up in drill press and drilling out the bolt....if it is necessary.....Will crank gear drag enough oil from pan to properly lube chain? It has a 7 quart pan and dual oil filters, so I am guessing, 10 quarts of oil will be rolling around the engine.
The man who built the engine is deceased and the man who raced the car, is well, on mechanical be polite!!!!
Am I agonizing over small stuff?:sign3: